Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stage Director

Ivan Chagas – Before moving to the USA, Ivan Chagas had been acting and directing in different theatrical ensembles in Brazil.

He is the founder of Grupo de Teatro Roupa de Ensaio, a troupe that still based in Brasilia and follows a line of work inspired in the acting methods developed by Eugenio Barba’s Odin Theatre (Norway). The group also works with Antunes Filho’s method, as well as Grotowski’s ideas. With the Brazilian troupe he trained the actors and directed for The Blind Man, by Michael de Ghelderode, Prometheus, by Eschylus and his adaptation for Les Precieuses Ridicules, by Molière.

During his MFA program at UMKC he designed sets for different theatres in the Kansas City area such as Burn This(The Grant Hall Theatre), The Dinosaur Musical (The Coterie Theatre), The Barnabies Five, for the KC Urban Project and Love’s Labor’s Lost, The Pirates of Penzance, Romeo and Juliet(Little Theatre, Fayette).

Here in USA, he also directed and designed the set for The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Little Prince in Columbia, MO, and Waltz # 6 for the Kansas City Fringe Festival.

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